JWP flowers

Existing season is a bit difficult because lots of my trees blossom very strong.

I have manege to remove all flowers of my two JWP.

first one full of flowers before puling they off.

and after removing flowers.

second one before. funny thing that flowers are bigger at the sheltered side ????

and after.

i have managed to remove all flowers and do not destroy any candle. those trees has a bit less color but it will benefit with stronger grow. I will update in end of summer.

Picea Nidiformus 2 – new home

This is the tree i have been working on for last 3 years. Obvious garden center material

before first styling at the workshop wit Peter Snart in NIBS Belfast.

after Peter’s work.

spring 2015 I have chosen different front and angle. I’m very happy with that result.

and spring this year. the tree fill a bit, and I start thinking about pot. What pot would fit this tree? Rock, slab, obvious ceramic pot? What size? Then I have started think where can I see that style tree in landscape, and the idea come to my head. Rocky bank of the leak.

Something like those pines on pictures above.

As the idea come to my head I had to find somebody who will able to make the pot for my tree. Pot which will fit my imagine? Hmmy who can make pots? Of course Magic Ceramic, friendly bonsai hobbyist from Leinster Bonsai Club. (   Magic Cereamic  ) So I contacted him and explain my idea, then I have sent few pictures and measures. And???

This what he made for me. It looks way better then on picture. Anyway, my imagine start turning to live.

And this is my little spruce in new home. I really enjoy it.


today I decided to put some air-layer to my trees. first one is Zelcova garden center material that I got as bear rot material last yer.

this is how it look like today. As you can see the trunk is pretty straight with no taper, so I need to decide what next.

I like the base and the rot spread under the soil is not bad, so I can use lower section and build new canopy . The easiest way would be chop the trunk somewhere around green line, but what about that part above? It would be wasted. No good. So the other option  is air-layer it, but is it worth? Let see.

Again straight trunk with no taper, but it is very young material so it has long way to be pre-bonsai , and it can make nice broom style tree, so go ahead.

Full ring bark striped off.

I usually using pot or tube filled with sphagnum moss as the medium for my air-layers.

We will see results in the autumn .

Next tree is more exciting one. It is Korean Hornbeam, I have got to my collection in spring this year.

As you can see the tree has lovely movement and lots of potential, only one issue the top section.

that can make one tree

and that can bee the second one, so why not .

The same method as above tree. We will see in future.

Jim doyle natures way bonsai comes to ireland — Rustedrootbonsai

we had the pleasure of having jim doyle of natures way bonsai from harrisburg in pennsylvania usa.he was visiting ireland with his partner libby and we were lucky enough to have a workshop with him.he gave us great tips and the day was excellent,one i wont forget.ian and phil made the journey down from belfast […]

via Jim doyle natures way bonsai comes to ireland — Rustedrootbonsai