Juniper Media “old Gold”

This material come into my collection from garden nursery in Poland in July 2013. I think it is 7-8 years old and it has a lot of potential. The tree was selected from 100’s other junipers by me myself. What catch my eye? Look yourself and find this special things.

for me it is trunk movement and lot of foliage with nice color. This trees trunk was cover by moss nearly all over so first things was clean it. Then remove old death foliage and week twigs, prune some strong growth and expose trunk base. there was one branch broken so i decided make a jin.

It gives some dramatic to this tree.

trunk base close up. it looks very impressive for me. lot of potential 🙂

proposal front and angels

so you can see all tips which make this tree very interesting material with lot of potential I think. Next step is choice the best front and angle and give it first styling. It is going to happen soon. My choice for front is the last picture I like it very much. If you have any other suggestions do not hesitate and replay to this blog

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